Several ideas of the program are very good, e.g., inviting experts for the topics and having the opportunity to explore these for 3 hours.
Several ideas of the program are very good, e.g., inviting experts for the topics and having the opportunity to explore these for 3 hours.
However, they cover so far no psychiatric disorders, even though this is advertised. The program is perfect if you only want to learn about Alzheimer's and other degenerative diseases. If you come for the neuropsychiatric diseases, you'll be very disappointed.
There is not really a close mentoring as described, there is 1-2 times a meeting with the coordinator to check progress and the assigned lab you are in for Wednesdays.
Beyond that, the expectations are way to high to be met by individuals who work and have other things in their life except studying. It is almost impossible to stay disciplined because the program is overwhelming and if you don't perform well, you will hear about trashtalk of the involved professors about you, since it is a very small and familial environment you are in.
On top of that, you have to change location a lot, and if these things take you more time due to the location of your home, it will steal even more time of your schedule. Personally, the frequent location changes were exhausting and it was not really taken into consideration by the lecturers to go easy in exam questions and maybe have like 2-3 hard exams and 2-3 easy exams. All of them are very time-consuming to prepare and from our cohort it was not possible for most exams to have 1.0 or 1.3 as a result.